John 4:24 How To Handle Crazy

January 23, 2016, marked the first full moon of 2016. I wanted to write you to warn you of the many werewolves, crazies, and zombies you may see tomorrow [insert Michael Jackson’s Thriller]. Ha. john 4 part 2On a serious note though, I have noticed the amount of fear people are harboring these days. I am not sure if the full moon is to blame, or the passionate, sensational political season, or the recent depraved acts committed by humans against humans and animals alike flooding our headlines, radio, and T.V. Regardless of the source, fear appears to be the present energy.

Early in my spiritual journey I found myself often tired and fatigued way before bedtime. The best way to convey how my body felt is a combination of mental fog, hangover-like tiredness, mixed with a little runner’s high serum. In addition to my crazy body reactions, I realized that I could feel the energy, the common sentiment, around me. I am empathic.

As I grow and mature my mediumship, I have learned the importance of prayer, meditation, and setting boundaries. For anyone knowingly or unknowingly starting their spiritual path, please note that the veil between this world and the spiritual realm becomes thinner. As the veil becomes thinner, learn to protect and ground yourself. I acknowledge there is bad in the world but I have learned not to fall prey to it. From the first vile acts reported in Genesis, Cain against Abel, to the unimaginable killing of children ordered by King Herod as chronicled in Exodus, bad has and will always be part of our human experience.

Below are tips and prayers I incorporate to help protect and ground myself:

  • Daily prayers and meditating (this is what I usually say in my moment of prayer)
    • AM:
      God, thank you for being with me today. Thank you for surrounding me with your love and your white light God; allowing only love, joy, happiness, laughter, and abundance in my life and rebuking anything else that doesn’t serve me, Lord, seen or unseen. Thank you for not allowing any one to bother me during the hours of 8-5 while I am at work. Thank you for giving me guidance and direction to navigate my spiritual growth as I learn I am in control of when people come through.
    • PM:
      Thank you Lord for this wonderful day. Thank you for the many blessings in my life. I thank you for giving me clarity on my gifts and life purpose. Thank you for keeping all spirits at bay while I sleep. I allow only divine messages through my dreams; only messages from You and Your Angels, God. Thank you for making me in control of my gifts, God, and I welcome your will for me, Lord.
  • Limit the amount of news you watch. Yellow journalism swings both ways. Remember the purpose of sensational journalism is to arouse, ignite fear, and perpetuate panic and anxiety. In lieu of watching the news, I read headlines, news blurbs, and iPhone News which condenses news to a few lines. I attempt to be current in world affairs while being conscience on not engulfing myself in news.
  • Learn to shut it off. When I do a reading, I imagine a window with a sign. I flip the sign to “open” to let those on the other side I am open for channeling messages. Likewise, I flip it to close when I am done. I am in control. [Insert Janet Jackson’s In Control]. I recommend you try something similar to shut off the white noise, the copious amounts of tasks, to-dos, emails, etc. occupying your mind.
  • Take salt baths. It does wonders when trying to shake off bad vibes and helps replenish your soul.
  • Eat sage (an herb) or burn dry sage in your living space. I pray and ask God to clear the space around me as I walk around with lighted dry sage.
  • When you shower, imagine God’s white light pouring on you. Imagine His pure love washing down on you. After you do this a few times, I swear you will start to feel His love.
  • Learn to not get involved in other people’s drama. This one was especially hard. The peacemaker inside me wants to fix people’s issues for the sake of calming the tension I feel around a particular situation. As a friend, I sought to help and inevitably frequently plagued with unintended consequences. Remember, “Not my circus, not my monkeys.”
  • Learn to distinguish the difference between ego, and intuition. Remember ego is fear-based and nags as long as you feed it. It is those insecurities you have speaking loud and clear. Intuition is restrained and often a fleeting thought or feeling.
  • Meditate

john 4 part 3To conclude, in Scripture, John 4:24, we know “God is Spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in Spirit and Truth”. To me, the truth is there is good and bad in the world. I know God is Spirit. I pray, meditate, and have faith that His grace is with me and allows only love, joy, happiness, laughter, and abundance in my life and shuts the door to any werewolves, crazies, and zombies.

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